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  • Why Weight Lifting Is An Exercise That Delivers Top Health Benefits By Kent Fischer While some individuals are strictly interested in obtaining muscle for aesthetics, for most people, this isn’t what's important. Many people want to know how weight lifting works to improve health.
  • This article covers the many benefits of weight training such as increased bone density, decreased frequnecy of injury, reduced health risks, and prevention of weight gain.
  • The article explains how creatine is effective at accelerating muscle mass and strength gains. Hard weightlifting can cause an inflammatory response in the muscles, and creatine is effective in reducing this. Detailed instructions are given on how load and cycle the creatine.
  • STERIOD USERS ARE NOT CHEATS!!! NEW REPORT FINDINGS by Kent Fischer reports that most anabolic steroid users are not even athletes. They're used by ordinary folks trying to look like bodybuilders in the muscle magazines. The articles discusses why natural musclebuilding is best.
  • GUIDE TO LOWERING HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE by Kent Fischer iis an article is concerned with hgih blood pressure. and the benefits of exercise in lowering it. Foods that lower high blood pressure are discussed along with the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)..
  • Growth hormone (GH) exerts desireable bodybuilding effects. ir(GH) is the small part of GH that is biological active Most GH is secreted at night. Intense aerobic and weight training exercise during the day increases GH. Taking Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) before exercise increases GH and ifGH 175% greater than exercise alone.
  • NATURAL DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC HEALTH by Kent Fischer discusses the importance of both internal and external health. Yoga, Pilates, and deep breatching are necessary to stretch out the muscles after weight lifting.
  • ACHIEVE A NATIONAL FITNESS LEVEL SET 50 YEARS AGO AND BUILD MUSCLES FAST by Kent Fischer discusses the need for Americans to renew the spirit of President Eisenhower's Council on Physical Fitness. Americans need to put more emphasis on their health needs and exercise.
  • Why Exercise by Kent Fischer discusses the different motiivations people have for exercising. Several famous people are described, and how they rehabilitated themselves from a poor constitution to robust health.
  • Perfect Posture explains how poor posture exerts a deleterious effect on the body. A bodybuilding tune-up needs to be done to prepare the body for more rigorous exercises. Some exercises are described to improve posture.
  • FINDING A FAST WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM THAT WORKS By VINCE DELMONTE describes how all weight loss programs are not created equal; some will have a much higher rate of success than others. Your Six Pack Quest exercise program is discussed. ...
  • By Vince DelMonte In today's world, almost everywhere you look people are looking for weight loss tips. Weight loss has become the primary objective of those who are going to the gym. This article covers .1. CALORIE INTAKE. 2. GRADUAL PROGRESSION 3. CELEBRATE WITH A 10% MEAL 4. SMART EXERCISE PROGRAM 5. CLEAR THE CLUTTER.
  • The Skinny Guys Guide To Gaining Weight By Vince DelMonte How would you like to learn how to gain weight fast? If the title of this article caught your attention, there is a good chance you are sick...
  • This article explains that skinny guys must play by a different set of rules. Professional bodybuilders with special genetics take drugs to produce the incredible hulk effect. The training routines expoused in the muscle building magazines are all wrong for the skinny guy. Training to get bigger and more muscular must revolve around getting stronger. The vast new array of exercise machines, promising instant, easy results, with fancy supplements, are enticing. Result? People no longer are willing to spend the time in the gym necessary to get results.There are 6 reasons discussed why skinny guys must focus on the forgotten factor: strength. The importance of cardio and stretching is covered. A complete 12 week muscle building course is explained.
  • 9 EasyTo Make Muscle Building Growth Recipes By Vince DelMonte Think putting yourself on a muscle building diet has to be a painful process? Whether your goal is fat loss or muscle building, getting there is al lot easier with a sound nutrition program. Recipes are provided including: Protein Fudge Nuggets, Pumpkin pancakes, protein Jell-0, Blueberry Cookies, Mango Smoothie, Quick Peanut Butter Sandwich, and Quick Protein Drink ,
  • Can You Gain Muscle Weight Without Getting Fat By Vince DelMonte There are two common fitness goals - to gain muscle mass and to lose body fat. The first method discussed, is to gain weight indiscriminatley, worrying only about puttiing on muscle, and not putting on weight. The second method, is to increase your calories enough to put on extra muscle, but not enough to gain fat.
  • How To Build Muscle And Gain Weight Quickly Part 2 By Vince DelMonte explains the importance of having a good self-concept in developing fast muscles. You have to believe that you can accomplish your goals and not engage in negative thinking. If you think you can develop big muscles, then you can, providing of course you train properly..
  • How To Build Muscle And Gain Weight Quickly Part I By Vince DelMonte Do you truly know how to build muscle and gain weight quickly? If you knew how to build muscle then the skinny jokes would have stopped. In this first of a two part article emphasis is placed on the need to train heavy with volume. Tips are given for how skinny guys can train for maximum effectiveness.
  • Weight Lifting Rules For Skinny Runts By Vince DelMonte You wake up in the morning and look in the mirror. Pleased with your appearance? If not, this article can help. Points discussed are 1:GET IN THE GYM/GET OUT RULE #2 DITCH THE ISLOLATED EXERCISES RULE # 3. LIMIT CARDIO RULE #4. REST RULE #5. TECHNIQUE #6 GET A MENTOR.
  • The Best Skinny Guy Weight Training Exercises By Vince DelMonte here are the top two exercises for each muscle group Vince Delmonte used to gain 41 pounds of muscle mass in under six months there are many more exercises not listed, but these are the best. Stick to these weight training exercises for the best possible muscular and strength gains
  • How To Gain Weight Even If You Are Under Weight By Vince DelMonte Here are four 'little known' how-to-action-steps that will force you to GAIN WEIGHT – musle mass. 1. Double It Up.. 2. Live Your Life Around Food. 3. Use Big Eating Equipment. 4. Never Train Hungry.
  • Extra glutamine does not promote muscle growth, beyond what occurs in regular amino acids. Glutamine makes up 2/3 of the bodies amino acids, but is not essential. Glutamine supplementation is useful for specific conditions i.e. clinical stress: severe burns, HIV/Aids, and extensive surgery. Doesn't cause enough muscular damage during workouts to justify its use. Recent research concludes 80 grams of glutamine a day (over $1000 US dollars a year) produces no catabolic effects. Further research shows glutamine supplementation does not alter exercise induced suppression of the immune system. Glutamine does not promote cell volumization (muscle pump), total body water, intra-cellular fluid levels, or extracellular fluid levels. Studies that test athletes who consume an amino acid drink post-workout, adding extra glutamine, shows no increased benefits. There are times when glutamine supplementation is useful. Pre-contest training with low calories and high volume of training, extreme weather conditions, endurance events, colds, burns, flu, alcoholism, AIDs, chemotherapy, etc.
  • MAXIMIZE RESULTS GET YOUR CARB CHOICES RIGHT: BUILD MUSCLE FAST BY Kent Fischer. To build a lean muscular physique is not difficult as long as you know how to manage your body’s natural production of insulin. The precise amount of hormone is critical for allowing fat to be utilized for fuel while maintaining the anabolic drive of nutrients into hungry muscles.Smart bodybuilders no longer think of carbs in terms of simple and complex. They understand the importance of low and high glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates. GLYCEMIC LOAD VS GLYCEMIC INDEX is dicussed along with how GI is a ranking of foods, based on their immediate effect on blood glucose
  • This article gives 10 principles for skinny guy fast weight gain. 1. Eat often. 2. Eat a variety of foods. 3. Eat enough calories. 4. Eat 40-60 grams of protein each meal. 5.Eat 60-80 grams of carbs per meal. 6. Eat 20-30 grams of fat per meal. 7. Eat vegetables with each meal. 8. Eat biggest meal at breakfast, pre and post workout. 9. plan ahead. 10.Eat whole foods 60% of the time and liquid meals 40%.
  • No More Excuses: Diet and Nutritional Planning for 2008 By Vince DelMonte discusses how you should set up your kitchen to help stick with your clean diet resolutions. Vince tells you what to chuck as well as what to stock..Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail...
  • Introducting VP2: The Eighth Wonder of the World By Kent Fischer. Scientific studies uncover the most potent protein substrate for accelerated lean muscle growth and fat loss. The most effective protein supplement bar none A subject gained over 11 pounds of lean muscle in 10 short weeks.These benefits are usually seen after an intense exercise regime, but research shows benefits without any exercise training involved! Micronized Creatine HSC is scientifically formulated and research proved to build lean muscle at a rate of more than 480% greater than those not taking it
  • Cup of Joe a day keeps the doctor away by Kent Fischer dicusses them many health benefits of coffee. Frequent consumption of coffee can improve insulin metabolism. Coffee reduces the risk for type-2 diabetes 60%. 3-4 cups a day would probably be adequate. Decafffinated coffee has only a modest health effect. Coffee contains substantial anti-oxidants such as vitamin E.
  • Muscle XGF Packs On Lean Muscle Fast Without The Fat by Kent Fischer, describes a relatively new protein supplement. XGF MyoGen 8-stage is a blended hybrid protein designed for slow, medium, and fast nitrogen delivery. It has a thermogenc lipid complex made of CLA, Omega-3, and Omega-3 fatty acids for fat burning. XGF is ultra-low in carbohydrates and has a integrated ATP support system, BCAA's, and free L-leucine. It tastes like a shake, and thoroughly mixes with water or milk. No floaters like in cheap brands.
  • By Vince DelMonte If you are anxious to get fat loss going, you've likely looked into the diet supplement, hoodia. Hoodia gordonii is a plant that was used in South African many years ago by hunters.who went for long period without food. It killed their hunger pangs. Isn't that good? Unfortunately, it isn't that simple. Bodybuilders need to be hungry, to consume the nutrients needed to repair muscle tissue. Furthermore, Hoodia has not been proven safe. It may damage your metabolism, causing a variety of thyroid issues. Instead of gimmicks, choose a clean diet, and scientific exercise program.
  • NEW SUPPLEMENT DYNAMIC DUO CUTS CATABOLIC HORMONES AND PRODUCES PERFORMANCE BLASTOFF! The article written by Kent Fischer discusses the effects of combining both coffee and caffeine together.Epinephrine and cortical are two catabolic hormones produced during intense exercise.blood concentrations of these two catabolic hormones are greatly reduced, if a carb supplement is used close to the time of exercise. Carbs and caffeine have been believed to benefit athletic performance, but until recently research hasn’t looked at combining the two.When athletes consumed a carb drink with the caffeine, this strategy blocked the large increase in catabolic hormones usually seen after caffeine supplementation. It also prevented the decline in most characteristic makers of immune suppression. The athletes felt they performed best when both carbs and coffee were given to them The article goes on to describe how to combine coffee and caffeine for improved health benefits.
  • How much caffeine is optimum for health by Kent Fischer covers the following topics: What is a caffeine overdose? What is caffeine's absorption rate? What is caffeine's half-life? What is the median lethal dose of caffeine? How much coffee is healthy?
  • New product Metabolism Prescription RX makes weight loss easy by Kent Fischer. Topics include: What it is. Lose Fat Not Muscle. Tame Those Growling Hunger Pangs. Reduce fatigue And Inhance Energy. Metabolism Prescription RX Is Easy, Convenient, Effortless, and Effective. ,
  • Skinny Guy's Guide To Creatine By Vince DelMonte What is creatine? How do I take creatine? What are the side effects of creatine? What is the best creatine? Unless you just arrived from another.planet you have heard of creatine. Topics covered in this article are: What is creatine?.. How do I take creatine? Should I take creatine with sugar?
  • Maximize Bodybuilding Gains: Take Supplements At The Optimum Time by Kent Fischer covers the three rules for developing Hurculean Strength. Rule #1. Your bodies priorities are not your priorities i.e. losing fat/building strength. Rule #2 Natural production and function of the body's anabolic hormone must be controlled and optimized at specific tmes for maximum muscle gain (anabolism) and fat utilization. Rule #3. Create synergy with nutrient timing and exercise. Step 1. Take 2-3 grams of GABA 30 minutes before your workout (weightlifting or cardio). Step 2. Prime muscle anabolism: The Bracketing Method Step #3 Eat a small protein-carb meal soon after the workout. Step 4. Distinguish Fast and Slow Proteins Step #5 Take advantage of the 3-hour window. SECRET WEAPON!!! USE GL3-GLUTAMINE TO SPIKE GH LEVELS THROUGHOUT THE DAY
  • In Gene Supplements Not Far Off Kent Fischer discusses the possibility that consumers will be able to purchase a copy of their own hum genomes for $100 within five years. Dietary supplements may be developed to patch genetic flaws to ensure maximum results from exercise.
  • This article discusses high protein foods. Is protein powder necessary? Does protein powder work? Is protein powder healthy? How much protein do I need? Which kind of protein is best? Whey Protein vs. Whey Isolate.
  • This article discusses the type of equipment needed to begin training. Both free and equipment aided exercise are discussed. The need for small incremental adjustment in weight, ceiling height for lifting, outdoor training, and expander training are covered.
  • Deadly Bodybuilding Myths You Don't Know Part 2 By Vince DelMonte The second in a two part series discusses body building myths that kill muscle progress. Bodybuilding Myth #4 Low reps are for size and high reps are for cutting. Muscle cuts are a reflection of two criteria (1) pure muscle size and (2) low levels of body fat (single digits). Light weights do not build muscle period. Myth #5 Monday is chest day, Tuesday is leg day, Wednesday is back day...You do not get stronger in the gym - you get stronger and bigger when you go home, rest, sleep, eat, and fully recover. Remember the central nervous system, hormonal system, and immune system take longer than muscles to recover. It is too easy to overtrain on a split system. Myth # 6 Shock your muscle and keep them guessing. Muscles operate on scientific principles, not magic show trickery. Muscles can't be confused, they understand movement, that's all - no black magic - push, pull, curl, extend, contract, or release - that's it....
  • Get Big Muscles In 3 Simple Steps By Vince DelMonte Do you know what it really takes to build big muscles? Do you think it's as simple as buying a gym membership, training each body once per week, and casual diet? This article discusses three simple, essential steps, to getting big muscles fast.(1) Be sure to include squating and deadlifting for power and mass. These two exercises work out 75% of your musculature. (2) Stick to compound exercises. You want to work both limbs simultaneously so you can use heavy weights. (3) Keep your rest periods honest. Stop watches are not just for endurance athletes. They are used by every person serious about building big muscles...
  • Top 49 Things I Learned In 2006 By Vince DelMonte This articles is a list of 49 things Vince Delmonte learned about body building in 2009...Some topics covered are traininng partners, nutrition, gym etiquette, Smith Machine, supplements, cardiovascular conditioning, stretching, machine traininng, Active Release Therapy, and unilateral training.
  • Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps By Vince DelMonte Are you sick and tired of everyone telling you a different way to build muscle? Are you unhappy with how you look in the mirror? This article, explains the need to train the muscles every 72 hours. You can perform 2 upper body workouts and 2 lower body workouts, each week. Eat 5-7 meals a day, emphasizing carbs 45%, protein 35%, and fat 20%. 1/2 solid food 1/2 protein drinks. Stretching should be done for the same amount of time as weight lifting, or at least 1/2 the time. Avoid supplements, except for a vitamin/mineral tablet, fish oil capsule, and protein powder.
  • Top 10 Tips To Successful Teen Bodybuilding Part 2 By Vince DelMonte As discussed in part one, teen bodybuilding can start at a very young age allowing young fitness enthusiasts a whole new world to explore.This second in a two part series on teen bodybuilding covers tips 6-10. 6. Learn Proper Technique First. 7. Stretch Just As Much As You Lift. 8. Focus on Bodyweight Strength First. 9. Keep Your Workouts Under 1 Hour. 10. Develop A Full Range Of Motion..
  • How to Avoid Over-training to Maximize Muscle Growth By Kent Fischer Almost anyone that's picked up a set of weights has or will experience symptoms of over-training at one point in their muscle training. The trick is to find the right balance between work volume and intensity, and rest and recovery. The effects of over-training on the nervous system. Is it worse to overtrain with cardo or weightlifting? How do I determine if I'm overtraining? Has your physical performance improved compared to your last workout? How can I prevent overtraining? Correct training volume. Proper nutrition..
  • Six “Little-Known” Muscle Building Tips Part 1 By Vince DelMonte So you think you know everything about building muscle? If you have read everything, tried everything and heard everything give these six little known muscle building tips a try. The first three are discussed in Part 1. 1. Bodyweight training using your natural bodyweight for resistance. 2. Flip Your Program Upside Down Every 3 Weeks. If you train your chest, shoulders, and triceps every Monday you will reverse it and train the triceps, shoulders, and chest on Friday. 3. Spend More Time At The Grocery Store. Chuck everything that's bad, and replace it with "good stuff".
  • By Vince DelMonte Choosing the best type of workout program that will stimulate the muscle fiber type that will get you the results you’re looking for is extremely important. Type A Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers provide the most forceful contractions and fatigue the fastest. They will not be able to utilize oxygen well. Not suited to endurance activities. The major type of fuel that type A fibers rely on is creatine phosphate. Type B fast-twitch muscle fibers are used in activities that are short in duration, but not at an all out pace. Type B use oxygen to a great extent and have a higher resistance to fatigue. Slow to contract. Not intended for high degree of power. Large number of capillaries enable sufficient oxygen to get to the muscles. Rely more on fats as fuel as opposed to carbohydrates or creatine phosphate. The article discusses how to train the different muscle fibers...
  • Top 10 Tips To Successful Teen Bodybuilding Part 1 By Vince DelMonte Teen bodybuilding is growing at an alarming rate, as enthusiastic teens hit the gym every night of the week. I don't blame them. This article discusses the first of the 5 tips for successful teen bodybuilding. 1. Avoid steroids and train drug free. Don't experiment with your natural hormone levels at such a young age. 2. Focus on clean eating. Teen nutrition habits will affect you all the way into your adult years. The article describes the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats a teen bodybuilder should consume. 3. Avoid one body part workouts. Teens should avoid training one body part a week, and work out all major muscle groups three times a week, without overtraining. 4. Emphasize conditioning. Teens should incorporate fitness and cardio activities to supplement the weights. 5. Stick to basic supplements. Teens only need a multi-vitamin tablet, protein powder, and a omega-3 fish oil capsule....
  • Weight Training Tips By Vince DelMonte Weight training properly is known by few. If it was easy then you would see a lot more muscular and lean physiques on the streets. The article discusses 5 Key Tips for fast muscle building. 1. Write down both your short term and long term goals. 2. Make a commitment to stay on your bodybuilding program for 12 weeks. Educate yourself about exercise before you start training. 4. Hire a personal trainer to teach you proper form and lifting technique. 5. Focus on gradual progression over a long time.
  • Do You Know How To Gain Muscle Fast By Vince DelMonte Could you teach me how to gain muscle fast? Could you teach me how to pack on an extra ten to fifteen pounds of muscle mass before my next competiton? This article emphasizes 5 key points skinny bodybuilders need to be aware of: 1. Never Perform More Than 10 Reps. 2. Reduce Your Workout Time 3. Do Only One Exercise Per Muscle Group 4. Do No More Than 3-5 Sets Per Muscle Group 5. Increase Your Strength Every Two Weeks.
  • Avoid Building Muscle The Wrong Way Part 2 By Vince DelMonte How would you feel if you discovered that almost everything you were doing with building muscle was dead wrong? This articles covers many of the mistakes that bodybuilders make. Muscle building is a learning process. Weight training will not take the place of cardio work. Cardio training increses the number and size of the blood vessels, which are used to shuttle away waste products that slow muscle growth, repair, and recovery. You do not need to spend a lot of time on bicep and tricep work. Working the big muscle of the chest, legs, and lower back will have a indirect effect on arm development. The desire to get "ripped and shredded" won't get fulfilled without strength work. Strength = large muscles = increased metabolism = decreased fat. Muscle building magazines feature articles written by staff ghost writers. The instructions cause the bodybuilder to over work the muscles and over train. The frustrated and exhausted bodybuilder then tries to compensate by taking a lot of expensive supplements promising increased energy. Drugged bodybuilders with unique genetics are featured in the magazines. A individual with normal genetics will not get that big, so there is no need for drugs. .
  • Vegetable Science. Many vegetable nutrients cannot be gotten from any other foods or supplements. Veggie Magic -No Smoke and Mirrors. Vegetables contribute to fat loss. High bulk and low-energy content of vegetables force the body to burn more energy, during processing of meals. It tricks the metabolism into staying elevated, while restricting calories. Vegetables help keep blood sugar and insulin steady. Vegetables kill hunger pangs. The best vegetables are the bright and rich in color, such as dark green and yellow.
  • During a bulking phase follow a high carbohydrate diet (50-60% carbs, 20-30% protein, and 20-30% fat). Water is essential to every function in the body. Muscle gain and fat loss aare two bodybuilding goals that she body best performs separately. Emphasis should be on shaping and toning with aerobics.
  • If you are looking to improve your physical conditioning, sprint training is one of the best ways to go about doing so. Sprint training can help burn fat. One of the biggest benefits you'll get from sprinting, is the excesss post-oxygen consumption effects it creates. This causes a huge expenditure in calories. Sprinting causes the body to upregulate its ability to produce enzymes that increase storage capacity of the muscle for energy substrate, such as ATP.Phosphate Metabolism. Phosphate creatine stores the bodies fuel source, so anything you do to increase this, will prove beneficial. Myokinase is an enzyme responsible for resynthesizing the energy from phosphate creatine, and with sprint training, will increase its concentration within the muscle up to 20%. Primary form of metabolism used during a 10 second all out sprint, and contributes between 55 and 75% towards energy production during exercise. Intramuscular Buffering Capacity. The last adaptation that's seen with sprint training, is lactic acid, causing extreme feelings of fatigue in the muscle tissues. Begin your sprints with a five minute warm-up and cool-down. You should do 8-10 sets by sprinting all out 30 seconds, and walking 90 seconds.
  • Adding a small amount of weight gradually over a long time, even the worst genetically gifted bodybuilder can make progress. The effects of over-training on the central nervous system. Effects of over-training on hormone levels. Elevated cortisol/decreased testosterone = loss of muscle tissue. Overtraining decreases the number of antibodies and lymphocytes in your body, making you susceptible to illness. Once you are sick, the body becomes weak and weight heavier. If you resume training on a muscle still recovering, muscle growth won't occur. It's easier to overtrain using weights, except for professional swimmers, runners, and triathion athletes. Many bodybuilders take a week off from training to fully recover.Nutritional tips for gaining weight and muscle. Strive to increase performance each workout.
  • The Female Athlete Triad Could You Be At Risk? By Vince DelMonte One major issue that many women who are getting serious about their workouts start to deal with, is known as the Female Athlete Triad. Components of this conditon are 1. Amenorrhea - cessation of the menstrual cycle. 2. Eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder. 3. Osteoporosis - removing dairy product believed to cause weight gain can increase the risk of stress fractures and broken bones. As a general guideline to prevent symptoms of the Female Athlete Triad: for weight loss, the lowest number of calories you consume, should be ten times your body weight.
  • How To Look Like A Female Fitness Model By Vince DelMonte Do you pass by the magazine stands in the store and envy the bodies of the cover models? A woman is lucky to put on about half a pound of muscle mass per month. Weights have the power to completely transform your body. They will make you a smaller, yet curvier version of your body now. Upon weight training, your body weight may go up. You may weigh more, but look smaller. stop the comfortable steady-state cardio session to change to high intensity intervals. 20 minute, alternating 30 seconds as hard as you possibly can, with a minute and a half much easier pace to recover. Time carbohydrates before and after your workouts. When you remove the fat out of products, oftem times manufacturers add in extra sugar. Extra sugar sends insulin levels skyrocketing, and gues what insulin is? The fat storage hormone. Fat helps you deal with hunger, and makes food taste better. To develop the glutes for sexy backsides, do heavy-weight lunges, one legged squats, hamstring curls, and butt to the ground squats....
  • Now that you've made the commitment to starting a workout program, the next step is choosing a gym that you will feel comfortable going to on a regular basis. The ten things to consider when choosing a gym are: 1. Location. 2. Membership Cost 3. Membership Demographic 4. Additional benefits 5. Operating Hours 6. Personal Training Services 7. Group Fitness Classes 8. Cleanliness 9. Type/Quality of equipment 10. Concellation Policy
  • When trying to achieve the illusive six pack, it' easy to get confused by all the "best ab workouts" available. You'll likely notice that there a multitude of ab workouts to choose...When you are trying to work your core, everything works, until your body adapts and says: "This is easy". Ab training should be progressive from stable floor work with your body weight, to a unstable surface with weights. Weighted ab crunches with cables, or on a stability ball with heavy dumbbells, will do that. Get a full stretch during the eccentric phase of your ab exercise. Weighted side bends make you look wider in the waste, distracting from creating a lean image. You should focus on working both the upper and lower abs simultaneously. If you pre-fatigue the abs by working them before a workout, it could have a deleterious effect on the rest of your exercises. Only work the abs first, if they are really lagging behind.
  • Losing belly fat is boring. It requires hard work, time, and dedication (will power). . People are more likely to stick with a fat loss plan when they concentrate on specific actions, instead of a desired result. Six simple habits synergestically combined, become a powerful tool 1. Wake up to water. 2. Eat breakfast every day. Men who skip breakfast are 4 1/2 times as likely to have a pot belly. 3.. As you eat, review your goals. Keep a diet log. 4. Pack your lunch. 5. Put together a good exercise plan. 6. Skip the late shows. Try to get a extra hours sleep.
  • When it comes to getting a solid six pack, doing the right ab exercises is crucial. You can spend hours doing needless sit-ups that aren't really going to have all that much benefit. The best movements for the abdominal muscles, are going to be the ones that reduce overall body stability. Walking across a balance beam, one legged squats, one arm shoulder presses, bent over rows with dumbbells standing on one leg, exercise ball for lying abdominal movement. Stability Ball, BOSU Ball. The most effective lower leg ab exercises are hanging leg raises,, while you use your lower abs to rotate your pelvis. More muscle mass produces a faster metabolic rate, and helps to burn off excess body fat. To round out your exercise program, do them at the end of your workout. Prioritizing your abs at the start of the workout if your abs are weak.
  • Focus on your diet. If you've got a solid layer of fat covering your stomach, your muscles are not going to be seen Emphasize consuming enough protein to keep your appetite under control, supplemented with healthy fats for satiety and fruits and veggies for energy. Perform a variety of exercises. Abdominal muscles adapt to change quickly. As soon as they are finished adapting, you stop seeing results. Get your cardio in line. Perform cardio properly. Do anything your body is not efficient at. Sprints, Skipping, Jump Rope, etc. Crank intensity up 20-40 seconds and down for a minute. Eight to 10 times...
  • If you're getting ready to bare your mid-section for the summer months, or potentially escaping the cold for a warm vacation, getting washboard abs is probably something you would like to have. Washboard abs are the holy grail of fitness. Although you can see six muscles in the abdominal wall, you cannot work them section by section. Without a clean diet, six pack abs will never be yours. No matter how many crunches and situps, abdominal fat will hide these muscles. All of the abdominal muscles contract simultaneously. "Spot Reducing" cannot isolate any one of the muscles in particular. A burn is not your goal, Do exercises that decrease your balance, that is what best calls your muscles into action. The only time you don't want to decrease stability, is when lifting heavy weights. Only use the stability ball with light weights or your body weight..
  • When you are lifting heavy during your squats, lunges, deadlifts, and the bench press, you will be using the ab muscles to a great degree. If you're not close to singe fat digits, you may have ab muscles, but you won't see them in the mirror.Heavy squats will ramp up the metabolism a great deal more, than a set of biceps curl. Weighted abdominal work cause your muscles to grow. .
  • Eliminate the top 4 ways not to get a six pack. 1. Crunches are decent, but totally overused, and associated with more being better. 2. When the body is starved, your metabolism shuts down out of survival, and causes fat storage. Muscle is sacrificed. 3. You do not need abdomianl exercise machines advertised on TV, which wind up in the garage. 4.Diet pills are a waste of money, and uselss, unless accompanied by a clean diet, and sound nutrition. Diet pills are at best only a supplement to, not substitute for, a scientific diet.
  • Abs are made in the kitchen. Your body will burn more calories breaking down protein, compared to carbs and fats. Eating fat will increase your calories fast, but as long as you keep it between 20-30% , it can be one of the best things to get six pack abs fast. Some diets high in fat can get you six pack abs fast, because your body learns to metabolize fat for energy. Focus most of your carbohydrate intake around the post workout period. When you eat them at this time, it is least likely they will turn into body fat.
  • You might determine whether you need to start leaning down through a fat loss program, or else add muscle mass with a bulking program. You cannot be ripped if you lack muscle mass or defintion. Don't chase both goals at once. Tips are given on how to get ripped six pack abs with weight training. How to get ripped with nutrition. How to get ripped with cardio.
  • This article discusses why a skinny guy would need six pack abs. Abdominal muscles are not a special body part.To get six pack abs you need to both decrease body fat and strengthen the abdomianl wall. The sequence and frequency of abdominal exercise is covered. A program is discussed, in which the abdominals are trained 2-4 days a week.


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