Kent Fischer - 14 January 2009
Think of anabolic steriod” users, and you probably will think of some famous athlete such as track star Marion Jones. But a recent report finds most users of anabolic steriods are not athletes, or Olympic medal contenders, in fact they don’t even compete!

According to the survey, the typical anabolic steroid user is around 30 years old, well-educated, and earning a good income as a white collar employee. The scientific journal concluded the motivation of these people was to build muscle, get lean, and improve their physiques. Less highly ranked factors included increased confidence, improved mood, and attraction of sexual partners.

It was the author’s opinion that steroid users don’t fall into the same category as narcotic abusers or other illicit drug users- steroid users are “different”.

The report finds steroid users plan their drug regimens around a healthy diet, ancillary drugs, and exercise.
Everything is strategically planned, to maximize benefits and minimize harm. Behavior at odds with the stereotyped spontaneous haphazard approach, found in psychotropic drug abusers.

I don’t know where the researchers found their participants at, but I remember the bodybuilder in the emergency room, where I was waiting for eye surgery. I overheard him say he was coming in regularly for blood tests, related to his steroid use..

I’ll never understand why so many people want to jepardize their lives, with drugs and alcohol. Setting aside the legal implications and problems, here’s why drugs are a bad idea.

Using steroids won’t kill you. or likely even make you sick. According to Dr. Paul Cribb’s: “Many aspects of muscle metabolism and growth are controlled by the classic steroid-hormone binding mechanism. Both anabolic and catabolic hormones (the hormones that breakdown muscle tissue) exert their effects by binding to a cell membrane-receptor. Once attached, they activate a receptor complex .so that the hormone can enter the nucleus, and bind specific response elements on DNA to act directly at the genetic level. That is how all hormones both natural and artifical alter the production (transcription and subsequent translation) of specific proteins in cells. This is what ultimately influences results from exercise.”1

People that use anabolic steroids must use more than what occurs normally to ensure the benefit. These doses only stimulate growth via the aforementioned process for a short while. Then the artificially induced anabolic steroid works by attaching to (and blocking) cortisol receptors.

Even after a few short cycles, muscles and other tissues express more and more cortical receptors, so as to keep natural balance. As with many drugs, more is needed each time to produce the original “high”. Once the anabolic steroids are discontinued, the elevated level of cortical receptors remains.

Along with suppressing their own natural production of anabolic hormones, the former steroid user contends with a higher than normal level of cortisol receptors. The end result is a loss of hard earned muscle.

Another problem with taking the easy way out to instant muscles is that anabolic steroids mask training and nutrition mistakes. Gains are easy so there is no reason to eat right or follow a scientific training program along with time constraints such as work and family.

Once hooked on anabolic steroids it’s hard to quit, because one becomes weaker and fatter. This can cause a lack of training motivation. This is a shame, because weight training properly done. has greater benefits than any other type of exercise.

There are those who will argue  what you put in your own body ,is nobody’s business but your own. You don’t owe it to anybody to not follow your own path of self realization. That’s true, your don’t owe anybody anything, except yourself!!! Don’t cheat yourself.

This site is dedicated to natural body building utilizing the latest scientific progressive resistance training.

For a complete guide to drug free musclebuilding be sure to click on No Nonsense Musclebuilding by Vince Delmonte.

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