Picture of Tom Venuto, author of Burn The Fat - Feed the Muscle

Reviewer: Kent Fischer
Rating: This is a picture of 4 1/2 gold stars which represents a rating of Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle


Picture of the book BurnThe Fat - Feed The Muscle

 Burn the Fat - Feed the Muscle is an exciting diet fat loss system to give you single digit fat levels. A human anatomy chart! The author, Tom Nenuto, is a 3.7% body fat! This 337 page downloadable e-book success manual is jam packed cover to cover with drugless fat loss secrets.

InBurn the Fat - Feed the Muscle you will learn to:

1. Lose fat permanently, so as to be in the successful 5% group that keeps it off forever.

2. Lose fat without wrecking your metabolism.  Weight loss plateaus are often caused by cannibolizing your own muscle, thereby slowing the metabolism.  Learn more than a dozen ways to fire up your metabolic engine.

3. Lose fat without drugs.  Steroids work initially, but have nasty side effects.  You can accomplish the same thing safely and naturally, using nutritional science to alter body composition.

4. Lose fat without supplements and save a bundle.

5. The top twelve worst foods you should almost NEVER eat.

6. The top twelve best foods you should eat all the time.

7. Why certain "good" fats speed up fat loss and energy levels.

8. Highly "thermogenic" and "non-metabolizable" foods.

9. How to turn your metabolism into a fat burningfurnace.

10. How to eat 50% more calories without storing an ounce as fat.

11. Why counting total grams of fat is antiquated.

12. Two crucial places to look on a foodlabel (one is almost always ignored).

13. The single most important thing you must do before you set foot in a gym, or start a weight loss program.

14. Fat-slashing cardio routines so effective that after a 30 minute session, you can say:  "I am now leaner than a half hour ago".

15. 4 weight training programs.

16. The magical combination of 3 food types that maximize energy and fat loss.

17. 27 most frequently asked weight lifting questions and detailed answers.

18. The "overlooked" nutrient that can boost muscle contractile strength 10-15% and aerobic capacity an average of 25%.

And believe me...this is just the beginning!!!!

You can't fool a metabolism and hormonal system that's the result of thousands of years of evolution- you have to work with your metabolism, not against it.  Body building is by nature secretive,  like the plays of a professional football team.  Many body builders are getting supplement contracts or on steroids, so unbiased information is hard to obtain.
That why you are in luck to have found this site and Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat - Feed the Muscle


Picture of a book telling you what foods to eat







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