Picture of a brown envelope entitled Secrets of what works and what doesn'tMUSCLE GAINING

Reviewer: Kent Fischer

Rating: 4 1/2 star rating

 This fast hitting course will your friends white as a ghost! Your lightning fast muscle growth will cause them to think you're on steroids. The perfect guide for the skinny "hard-gainer".


For those who have trained or are training now without results, the reason is your muscles have been robbed of 90% of their potential growth! Muscle Gaining Secrets explains why. Because of 5 cookie cutter mistakes almost all beginners make.

 Picture of Muscle Building Secrets Books


Mistake #1. Most professional bodybuilders have genetically thick bones and special muscle fiber types.  This combined with expensive steriods, enable them to train with heavy volume and recuperate abnormally. 

Mistake #2 Overtraining  - workouts past 45 minutes cause testosterone levels to plummet and cortisol to eat muscle and increase body fat. Eating the wrong foods at the wrong time causes a devastating hormone crash and increased fat.  Eating the wrong food pumps your body full of the femal hormone estrogen. This transforms you into a GIRLY MAN with man boobs!!!!

Mistake #3 Not cycling workouts properly leads to over training.  Muscle Gaining Secrets shows you how to synergistically combine workout volume, frequency, and intensity.

Mistake #4 Wasting money on worthless supplements.  Muscle Gaining Secrets show that 97% of the supplements are useless for promoting muscle growth and:
(1) damage health
(2) lower testosterone production
(3) elevate estrogen
(4) reduce thyroid output
(5) burn out adrenal glands

Mistake #5 Not having a SCIENTIFICALLY MAPPED OUT plan that can be TRACKED  on a DAILY basis. 

Every major muscle magazine owns a supplement company.
(1) Muscle Media owns EAS
(2) Iron Man owns Muscle-Linc
(3) Muscle & Fitness and Flex own Weider
(4) Muscle Mag International owns Muscle Tech
(5) Muscular Development owns Twin Lab 

About the author of Muscle Gaining Secrets, Jason Ferruggia.  Jason Ferruggia started out life as a skinny "hard gainer" kid.  At high school graduation he weighed in at 147 lbs. at a height of six feet!  Jason Ferrugia discovered a sytem of  amazing muscle building secrets, while working for his exercise degree at the University. One of the things he learned was that the muscle building magazines deliberately give overtraining advice to make you fatigued and fail.  This is to get you to buy their energy producing magical elixers, that don't work, and take your money. To learn more:


Picture of brown envelope inscribed Top Secret what works and what doesn't












6-Week "TOP SECRET" Mini-Muscle Building Course