Kent Fischer - 13 January 2009

Can'’t see your abs? The solution is to go out and buy the latest ab gadget, promising easy results on TV. Right? Well not exactly. For a really good guide to developing six pack abs fast, click on No Nonsense Musclebuilding.

The solution is actually your mindset. Yes blame the mindset. Or as my Kung Fu Sifu would say, there is knowing, and there is owning. 90% of us know what to do to get the six pack, but we don’t have the mindset. That amorphous, illusive quality, known as willpower. So while we know, we don't own.

You see, the secret is to realize that losing belly flab is a boring process. It requires hard work, time, and most important dedication (will power again). Take the right steps every day, and you’ll carve out a six pack, but stray even a few times weekly, and poof!! The abs are gone.

The solution is to use your mind, to create the will power, to implement six simple habits. These habits turn your stomach into a crematory fat melting furnace. Taken individually they don’t sound like much, but synergistically combined, they become a powerful tool.

This special tool is not magic. It is supported by science. The University of Iowa has produced research revealing people are more likely to stick with fat-loss plans when they concentrate (will power again), on specific actions, instead of a desired result. So instead of making a mental image of your reward ie six pack abs, focus on following my plan i.e. a daily list of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle strategies.

The result: automatic abs

1. Wake up to water

What if you didn’t have a drink all day - no coffee, no water, no diet soda. By the end of your workday, you’d be pretty parched. Start the morning off with 16 ounces of icebox chilled H20, as soon as your eyes open. Set your water bottle by the bed. Drink all of it.

German scientists recently found that doing this boosts metabolism by 24 percent, for 90 minutes afterwards. A smaller amount of water had no effect. Other studies show well hydrated muscles grow faster. The rule of thumb is a gallon a day.

Incidentally, old time strong men in the 1800’s recommended this to bodybuilding newbies, so they must have instinctively known about the efficacy of water.

The cold water has a thermogenic effect. The body produces heat and friction in order to maintain normal body temperature. This in turn burns fat.

2. Eat Breakfast Every Day

A University of Massachusetts found men who skip breakfast were 4 ½ times as likely to have pot bellys than those who didn’t. Within an hour of waking have a meal or protein shake with at least 250 calories. For a quick and nutritious breakfast try mixing instant oatmeal with a scoop of whey protein powder, and ½ cup of blueberries, and/or trailmix. Try a banana, coated with peanut butter and honey, or cut a apple in half, and fill the core with peanut butter. Also, how about a piece of toast with peanut butter and honey, and a hard boiled egg? These are some simple breakfasts you can combine with dry cereal and skim milk.

3. As you eat, review your goals

It’s important to stay aware of your mission. University of Iowa

Researchers found people who kept a diet record, were more likely to reach their weight loss goals, than those who did not monitor their eating habits.

4. Pack your lunch.

Pack an apple to eat as a morning snack along with two slices of cheese. A 500 to 600 calorie portion of leftovers or a subway sandwich such as ham or turkey on wheat. A premixed protein shake or pint of milk for a afternoon snack. This will feed your body and keep your satisfied without overeating. You’ll provide your body with nutrients for workouts,regardless of the time you exercise. You’ll be less likely to raid the office candy bowl. Keep it simple. Don’t eat anything not in your cooler.

5. Put together a good exercise plan.

Gym time should be spent burning off the blubber. For a good exercise guide for developing six pack abs fast click on No Nonsense Musclebuilding.

New research shows a combination of weight training, and high-intensity interval training, to be effective. The University of Southern Maine found half an hour of weight training burns as many calories as running a 6-minute mile pace for the same duration. (and it builds muscle). Also unlike running, lifting boosts the metabolism for as long as 39 hours after the last repetition. Similar findings have been found for intervals, which are short, all-out sprints interspersed with periods of rest.

Do the weights three times a week on alternate days interspersed with interval training on the off days.

6. Skip the late shows.

You need to sleep to get a six pack because lack of sleep can disrupt the hormones needed to control the ability to burn fat. University of Chicago scientists recently found that just 3 nights of poor sleep may cause muscle cells to become resistant to the hormone insulin. Over time this leads to fat storage around the belly. Write down your goals for the next day right before going bed. This can help you stop worrying about the next day.

This site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding, utilzing the latest scientific progressive resistance training methods. For an excellent guide to developing six pack abs fast click on No Nonsense Musclebuilding.

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