Kent Fischer - 14 Jan 2009
Coffee and caffeinated products have become increasingly popular of late. The question remains: How much can be consumed before deleterious effects set in. Good question because nobody seems to know!

The former Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) ruled, that outside of pregnant women and children: There is no cause for concern when replacing the usual intake of caffeine, with caffeinated energy drinks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers caffeine “as a “Multiple Purpose Generally Recognized as Safe Food Substance”- a category used for benign substances.

   What is a caffeine overdose?

A caffeine overdoes is considered over 300 milligrams but fluctuates depending on bodyweight and levels of caffeine tolerance
. This “overdose” is nicknamed caffeine intoxification which is a short term central nervous system over-stimulation.

What is caffeine's absorption rate?

Caffeine absorbs within the stomach and small intestine within 45 minutes of ingestion. It then suffuses throughout all the tissues of the body. Similar to alcohol and nicotine caffeine crosses the blood-brain barrier separating bloodstream from the brain’s interior. Once the caffeine reaches the brain it acts as an antagonist of adenosine receptors which produces a stimulating effect.

What is caffeine's half-life?

The half-life of caffeine (the time it takes the body to eliminate ½ of whatever was consumed) varies among adults according to age, body size, and liver function. In healthly adults the caffeine ½ life is approximately 3-4 hours.

   What is the median
 lethal dose of caffeine?              

As with most everything a extreme overdose of caffeine can result in death. In rats the median lethal dose given orally is 192 milligrams per kilogram. In humans, this is estimated to be about 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass, 80 to 100 cups of coffee consumed over a few hours!!! I have been drinking coffee religiously since my grandmother put the first infamous spoon of sugar and cream in my coffee (at age three)  and even I could not drink that much, Even with a gun to my head! . So don’t fret over your coffee habit.
         How much coffee is healthy?

A regular cup of normally brewed coffee contains about 50-75 milligrams of caffeine. Drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day is a research documented prescription for enhanced carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the risk of insulin resistance in tissues. A fairly high dose of caffeine improves health. It is interesting to note the 300 milligram dose considered caffeine intoxification by the FDA is the amount suggested in many sports performance studies. This in not surprising because depending on your exercise habits nutrient needs are going to vary. A sedentary person is not going to need as much caffeine as a active person to get positive results.

To sum up keep your coffee consumption between 5 and 100 cups per day.

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