Home page for Muscle Building Magic, a web site devoted to natural muscle and body building. The science of physical culture in all its aspects is covered. Weight training exercises and equipment, strength trainling, weight lifting, dieting to gain or lose weight, stretching, cardio conditioning, mind/ willpower development, and theory/ philosphy.
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This is a review of BURN THE FAT - FEED THE MUSCLE by Tom Venuto. Tom gives instruction for putting on muscle and losing weight in his 337 page e-book.
Here is a description of the "best of the best" fast muscle buiding magic guides. The following books are reviewed: BURN THE FAT - FEED THE MUSCLE, MUSCLE GAINING SECRETS, BRINKS BODYBUILDING REVEALED, AND MUSCLE BUILDING MAGIC. The best overall was Vince Delmonte's NO NONSENSE MUSCLEBUILDING but all were excellent and had their own strong points.
A review of Vince Delmonte's fantastic fast muscle weight gain/loss program NO NONSENSE MUSCLEBUILDING.is a drug free course covering both beginning and advanced fast muscle building.
MUSCLE GAINING SECRETS by Jason Ferruggia is a excellent manual for those wishing to put on muscle fast. Jason covers the five cookie cutter mistakes all beginners make. Genetics, supplements, overtraining, workout cycling, and having a plan are covered.
Great course by Will Brink for those on a reduced budget. Economically priced but still giving complete instruction for those desiring huge muscles and six pack abs.