Special Report

Bodybuilding Benefits From Creatine
Kent Fischer - 31 December 2008
Flick through the muscle mags, and you'll see increasingly slick advertisements, They promise amazing results, with little effort, just by mixing up the latest Dr.Jekyll elixir. Luckily for those who are willing to do investigate, a lot of these nebulous products can be avoided, just by focusing on proven research. Rather than “change” for the sake of change, which seems to have captured the minds of the unthinking of late, focus on the plethora of evidence surrounding creatine.

Micronized creatine monohydrate provides no unwanted side effects, is incredibly effective at accelerating muscle mass and strength gains, and best of all inexpensive!

For packing on muscle, nothing beats creatine monohydrate. Nothing comes close.

Science has just scratched the surface of the true potential of this supplement.


Consistent bombing and blitzing of your muscles day-in/day-out results in a chronic inflammatory response throughout the entire body. This unrelenting omniscient inflammation can really impede progress and lead to over training.

Minimizing the inflammatory response from exercise will speed recovery and keep the quality gains coming. A recent study has shown that loading with creatine monohydrate can actually help exercise induced inflammation.

A study was done on a group of triatheletes (a combination of running, swimming, and bicycling) in which the competitors were each given 20 grams of monohydrate 5 days prior to their event. A placebo group was given plain sugar. Blood tests revealed the creatine-treated group possessed much lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine after the race.

The researchers concluded the creatine group showed increased performance and and better recovery by reducing inflammation.


Short-term loading with creatine appears to reduce exercise-induced inflammation, but there is a better way. CREATINE CYCLING is a strategy that will accelerate muscle building gains and reduce recovery time.


Due to the ability to regulate energy production pathways and muscle metabolism creatine supplementation has been used to successfully ameloriate neurodegenerative diseases such as muscular Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease.

Supplementation not only increases muscle concentrations, it also increases brain phophocreatine concentrations. Increasing this important energy reservoir is thought to protect against neural degeneration. A recent study has supported this theory.

Results of the study show a regeneration of spinal cord nerve cells against a well known anti-toxin (3-NP). In fact the study indicates creatine plays an important role in spinal cord neuron development. Creatine has a double benefit: Protects against neurotoxins that promote nerve degeneration and promotes the health of spinal cord cells. Creatine will play a important rule in future spinal cord injury treatments


Creatine supplementations promotes muscle mass, strength, and power. These Herculean effects are thought to trigger increases in cell volume. Increasing cell volume (fluid content) is a potent anabolic signal that triggers protein synthesis, glycogen accumulation and the expression of genes that increase size and strength.

Canadian scientists have recently shown a 3-day loading phase (20 grams per day), followed by a 7 day maintenance phase 5 grams per day) was enough to ensure a powerful stimulus that triggered an increase in the expression of many genes responsible for increasing cell volume and muscle growth.

Here’s the incredible part. This study included no exercise program and yet a simple 3-day loading phase increased muscle growth by stimulating genes associated with increasing muscle size.


Many sports scientists believe we have only scratched the surface, of achieving and documenting the effects of micronized creatine. Unfortunately many body builders do not use the creatine, and don’t achieve the mind blowing Hercules muscle building effects.

Creatine has literally been put under the microscope by sports scientists, and has been deemed both safe and extremely effective. It is also an extremely economical supplement and can be considered the HOLY GRAIL of sports supplements.

For best results, we will examine a strategy outlined to create a synergy between intense training and cell metabolism, to trigger an potent anabolic response at the cellular level that produces rapid strength and muscle development. For those who have obtained no results, poor results, or even good results from using creatine, hold on to your seats. Follow this strategy exactly as outlined and reap phenomenal results.


The traditional way of creatine cycling involves a 5-7 day loading phase of 20 to 25 grams a day followed by a daily maintenace dose of 2 to 5 grams of creatine per day. These standards are considered by many to be set in stone but there is a better way. What athletes and coaches don’t realize, is that this old fashioned approach is based on limited research and in actuality wastes 70-80% of the potential results. So while the scatter gun approach will produce results it won’t produce maximum results.

Most studies of creatine have lasted only 6 to 12 weeks and the results have already begun to diminish by the end of the six weeks. Some may continue this course for years. Taking creatine without proper knowledge is a sure way to short circuit results. It‘s like performing surgery after completing a first aid course.


Research shows that if you can get a high concentration of creatine in the muscles you greatly magnify the efficacy of any additional supplelments you utiilize. High concentrations of creatine in the muscle results in increased energy in the cells along with several physiological benefits: up-regulation of the muscle genes responsible for rapid size increases, increased muscle cell volume and accelerated protein synthesis rates as well greater glycogen (carbohydrates) storage for future workouts.

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