Introducting VP2: The Eighth Wonder of the World

By Kent Fischer    

Unlike Kong VP 2 is not science fiction or native superstition. Not Hollywood or computer enhanced photography. No special effects, smoke and mirrors, slight of hand. Scientific studies uncover the most potent protein substrate for accelerated lean muscle growth and fat loss. The most effective protein supplement bar none.
The  results of a subject before and after a controlled, double blind research study on the muscle building and fat-burning effects of the unique and powerful protein formulation VP2 Whey Protein.  A subject gained over 11 pounds of lean muscle in 10 short weeks.

At the American College of Sports Medicine 4th annual conference, a groundbreaking research study on a special protein hybrid was presented in full. This research was the first to examine the effects of different proteins during bodybuilding exercise, using experienced lifters, in a real world setting. For building muscle all protein supplements are not the same. The VP2  whey hybrid actually accelerates the muscular adaptation process of weight training. Gain greater amounts of lean muscle at a more rapid pace 615% more muscle than any other protein.

VP2 has the capacity to increase muscle force output, recovery, energy production, and calcium uptake in various muscle fibers. These benefits are usually seen after an intense exercise regime, but research shows benefits without any exercise training involved! VP2 has the capacity to enhance energy production in “slow twitch” and “fast twitch” muscle fibers. Strength athletes can lift more weight and endurance athletes can go faster for longer simply by incorporating this new protein.
411% increase in Type-1 muscle fibers size. 543% increase in Type-II muscle fiber size

480.5% more lean muscle mass! 284% more strength!
Micronized Creatine HSC is scientifically formulated and research proved to build lean muscle at a rate of more than 480% greater than those not taking it.

So the choice is yours. Continue to slop down cheapy protein drinks of dubious quality or get the best.

This site promotes natural muscle building through progressive resistance training. For more drug free bodybuilding information click on No Nonsense Musclebuilding by Vince Delmonte.

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