Vince Delmonte - 13 Jan 2009
Muscle gain and fat loss are two bodybuilding goals that the body best performs separately. This is why many bodybuilders go through separate bulking and cutting phases, to enhance muscle gain or fat loss. Diet, exercise, and supplementation need to be structured according to specific goal.

For a comprehensive bodybuilding program covering nutrition and exercise click on No Nonsense Musclebuilding.


During a bulking phase follow a high carbohydrate diet (50-60% carbs, 20-30% protein and 20-30% fat). When cutting fat, the diet should be low in carbohydrate (5-25% carbs, 30-40% protein, and 35-55% fat). Research demonstrates low carb dieting contributes to faster weight loss for the first six months. When reading nutrition labels pay attention to total carbohydrate amount or percentage, not just net carbohydrates.

Water is essential to every function of the body. Drink at least 64 ounces a day. Remember, the Council for Responsible Nutrition recommends a long term, consistent use of multivitamins with minerals should be the “base of a rational supplementation program.

During bulking phases, emphasis should be on traditional weight training combined with light aerobic exericse for greatest muscle promotion.

A suggested weight regimen targeting specific muscle areas might look like this:

       Monday: back & calves
       Tuesday: chest & forearms
       Wednesday: bicep & triceps
       Thursday: shoulders & traps
       Friday: quadriceps & hamstrings

For each exercise, do 8-12 repetitions at 70-80% of your maximum lifting weight, for 9-12 sets.

When focused on cutting fat, emphasis should be on shaping and toning with aerobics, to promote endurance. Circuit training is a good routine, using lighter weights while increasing aerobic activity by not resting between sets. This can be done three days a week, focusing on different muscle groups each day.


Monday: biceps, abs & shoulders

Wednesday: chest, triceps, back

Friday: legs

Perform 2-3 different exercise per muscle groups, doing higher reps (10-12) and fewer sets (2-3). On your off days, try to include some additional aerobic activity.
Protein is crucial for muscle gain during high calorie or high carbohydrate intake, and for muscle sparing during low calorie or low carbohydrate intake. Regular physical activity requires increased protein intake. People physically active need from 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (Note: Body weight in pounds divided by 2.2 equals body weight in kilograms). Protein supplements include Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, and Egg Albumin.


An amino acid produced naturally in the body and stored in the muscle as creatine phosphate. Creatine helps recycle ADP to ATP, which provides increased anaerobic endurance, strength, and recovery. Taking creatine with additional carbohydrates or insulin potentiating compounds may increase creatine absorption and effectiveness.


Most abundant amino acid in muscle, used for muscle recovery, repair, and growth. Physical stress decreases Glutamine levels, which can result in muscle wasting. Adequate levels are important for positive nitrogen balance.


Another amino acid used for muscle recovery, repair, and growth. Many of the benefits of L-Arginine are attributed to its role as a precursor to nitric oxide. Benefits are thought to include enhanced recovery,strength, lean mass and endurance.

For further information on Muscle Bulking and Cutting methods click on No Nonsense Musclebuilding.


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