Kent Fischer - 13 Jan 2009
Many of the men of ancient Greece were magnificent physical specimens. But this tells only half the story. For truth be told, these walking Adonis’s were the result of systematic physical training. Regular exercise, combined with eating and sleeping, were recognized as part of a total package, for development of all parts of the body.

Americans have developed a passion for watching “professional athletes”, or sports stars, as a form of vicarious exercise. This spectator tendency combined with health-depleting indoor occupations has robbed many of their health.

I remember  going to a gym with a friend,  watching a lady sash shaying back and forth on one of those twisting machines. He muttered with disgust: “Wouldn’t you know it, a room full of exercise machines, and she has to pick out the least effective one”!!! There was also a obese lady sitting on one of those belt driven wooden rollers, that I guess is supposed to somehow scrape off cellulite! You get the point. Americans are a fitness mess.

In every human being today, beneath the twinkie gut, there exists the potential for developing as much strength, health, and beauty as any Spartan. Skeptics and cynics speak disparagingly about those who follow the physical culture life. For a good Spartan training regimen check out No Nonsense Musclebuilding.

I once knew a fat individual who bragged: “I stopped exercising when I reached the wrong side of 40!!!. After several days of not showing up to work, one of his friends found him at home, on the toilet, dead of a heart attack. The only thing he did was go home, play on the computer, or go to the watering hole, and get drunk.

There are over 500 muscles in our body begging for exercise, and these make up 50% of our bulk. Our vital organs are profoundly affected by the condition of these muscles. Their proper action, coordination, and vital function is essential to the regulation of life processes.

Health affects both internal and external strength. So when the health declines so too does the strength. The balance between internal and external strength is exercise. Canadian bodybuilder Vince Delmonte
explains in No Nonsense Musclebuilding the importance of stretching to internal development.

Exercise can regenerate the total organism. It increases the absorption of oxygen in the body, which can aid in pulmonary and respiratory problems. It produces vigorous blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels and the heart. It also aids in elimination. Combined with sleep, fresh air, sun baths, good nutrition, and relaxation, an all around physical tune-up is quite possible.

Puny skinny matchstick bodies have been transformed into powerful radiant healthy men, by simple home methods of bodybuilding exercises. Exercise performed regularly, judiciously, and in graduated amountsl give the best sense of well-being, and increase your capacity to enjoy life to the fullest. Your physical appearance will be revamped. You will eat and sleep better and be full of zest and enthusiasm.



The degree of internal health is the yardstick by which you can measure your bodybuilding possibilities. If organ tone is out of whack, little physical development can be expected. You must first place your internal house in order. “Build from the inside out”!!!

Body energy is created by internal body chemistry. This chemistry combines the nutritive fuel for building the cellular muscular structure, the source of strength, the basis of vitality, and the foundation of bodily endurance.


Many bodybuilders put priority on building muscle, forgetting about the organs. This is an affront to nature. You must build from inside out.

Therefore beginners should start out on a gradulated training scale, with the first few weeks being devoted to toning internal organs. From then on, all exercise should strike a balance between internal organs and muscles.

If this progressive method is adhered to the balance of power always will rest with the organs. No matter how powerful the body is built, organic secretions should be available in abundance to protect and fortify the muscular system against harm. This balance can be readily detected. By nature, the muscles tire first. When this happens, organic forces are unaffected, and are able to function freely for rapid physical recuperation.


Some bodybuilders shrug off or laugh at the toning exercises as not being in the same league as the vigorous muscle strengthening exercises. I remember the Gold’s bodybuilders snickering when someoneI would be doing  yoga exercises, not realizing the joke was on them. These gentle simple yoga toning and breathing exercises do not force organic improvement, as is the case with muscles. Organs must be cajoled, persuaded, and sometimes tricked into becoming toned.

Exercise stimulates the organic processes, and as long as the heart, lungs, and digestive and excretory organs can meet the demands of a vigorous active system, the whole system benefits by the increased exercise. The body develops best during growth periods, if the brain and muscles are exercised to the limit of their powers, so that the system as a whole responds to their organic demands.

Calisthenics are not used for organic toning. The movements should be a combination of yoga, pilates, and deep breathing.

This site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding utilizing the latest scientific information in progressive resistance training.

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