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Muscle Building Magic is a site dedicated to drug free natural bodybuilding. There are articles on building muscle fast, gaining weight fast, losing weight fast, weight training workouts, and supplements.
Six “Little-Known” Muscle Building Tips Part 1 By Vince DelMonte So you think you know everything about building muscle? If you have read everything, tried everything and heard everything give these six little known muscle building tips a try. The first three are discussed in Part 1. 1. Bodyweight training using your natural bodyweight for resistance. 2. Flip Your Program Upside Down Every 3 Weeks. If you train your chest, shoulders, and triceps every Monday you will reverse it and train the triceps, shoulders, and chest on Friday. 3. Spend More Time At The Grocery Store. Chuck everything that's bad, and replace it with "good stuff".
Skinny Guy's Guide To Creatine By Vince DelMonte What is creatine? How do I take creatine? What are the side effects of creatine? What is the best creatine? Unless you just arrived from another.planet you have heard of creatine. Topics covered in this article are: What is creatine?.. How do I take creatine? Should I take creatine with sugar?
The article explains how creatine is effective at accelerating muscle mass and strength gains. Hard weightlifting can cause an inflammatory response in the muscles, and creatine is effective in reducing this. Detailed instructions are given on how load and cycle the creatine.
STERIOD USERS ARE NOT CHEATS!!! NEW REPORT FINDINGS by Kent Fischer reports that most anabolic steroid users are not even athletes. They're used by ordinary folks trying to look like bodybuilders in the muscle magazines. The articles discusses why natural musclebuilding is best.
When it comes to getting a solid six pack, doing the right ab exercises is crucial. You can spend hours doing needless sit-ups that aren't really going to have all that much benefit. The best movements for the abdominal muscles, are going to be the ones that reduce overall body stability. Walking across a balance beam, one legged squats, one arm shoulder presses, bent over rows with dumbbells standing on one leg, exercise ball for lying abdominal movement. Stability Ball, BOSU Ball. The most effective lower leg ab exercises are hanging leg raises,, while you use your lower abs to rotate your pelvis. More muscle mass produces a faster metabolic rate, and helps to burn off excess body fat. To round out your exercise program, do them at the end of your workout. Prioritizing your abs at the start of the workout if your abs are weak.
The Best Skinny Guy Weight Training Exercises By Vince DelMonte here are the top two exercises for each muscle group Vince Delmonte used to gain 41 pounds of muscle mass in under six months there are many more exercises not listed, but these are the best. Stick to these weight training exercises for the best possible muscular and strength gains
The Female Athlete Triad Could You Be At Risk? By Vince DelMonte One major issue that many women who are getting serious about their workouts start to deal with, is known as the Female Athlete Triad. Components of this conditon are 1. Amenorrhea - cessation of the menstrual cycle. 2. Eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder. 3. Osteoporosis - removing dairy product believed to cause weight gain can increase the risk of stress fractures and broken bones. As a general guideline to prevent symptoms of the Female Athlete Triad: for weight loss, the lowest number of calories you consume, should be ten times your body weight.