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  • How To Gain Weight Even If You Are Under Weight By Vince DelMonte Here are four 'little known' how-to-action-steps that will force you to GAIN WEIGHT – musle mass. 1. Double It Up.. 2. Live Your Life Around Food. 3. Use Big Eating Equipment. 4. Never Train Hungry.

  • Eliminate the top 4 ways not to get a six pack. 1. Crunches are decent, but totally overused, and associated with more being better. 2. When the body is starved, your metabolism shuts down out of survival, and causes fat storage. Muscle is sacrificed. 3. You do not need abdomianl exercise machines advertised on TV, which wind up in the garage. 4.Diet pills are a waste of money, and uselss, unless accompanied by a clean diet, and sound nutrition. Diet pills are at best only a supplement to, not substitute for, a scientific diet.

  • When you are lifting heavy during your squats, lunges, deadlifts, and the bench press, you will be using the ab muscles to a great degree. If you're not close to singe fat digits, you may have ab muscles, but you won't see them in the mirror.Heavy squats will ramp up the metabolism a great deal more, than a set of biceps curl. Weighted abdominal work cause your muscles to grow. .

  • You might determine whether you need to start leaning down through a fat loss program, or else add muscle mass with a bulking program. You cannot be ripped if you lack muscle mass or defintion. Don't chase both goals at once. Tips are given on how to get ripped six pack abs with weight training. How to get ripped with nutrition. How to get ripped with cardio.

  • Focus on your diet. If you've got a solid layer of fat covering your stomach, your muscles are not going to be seen Emphasize consuming enough protein to keep your appetite under control, supplemented with healthy fats for satiety and fruits and veggies for energy. Perform a variety of exercises. Abdominal muscles adapt to change quickly. As soon as they are finished adapting, you stop seeing results. Get your cardio in line. Perform cardio properly. Do anything your body is not efficient at. Sprints, Skipping, Jump Rope, etc. Crank intensity up 20-40 seconds and down for a minute. Eight to 10 times...

  • If you're getting ready to bare your mid-section for the summer months, or potentially escaping the cold for a warm vacation, getting washboard abs is probably something you would like to have. Washboard abs are the holy grail of fitness. Although you can see six muscles in the abdominal wall, you cannot work them section by section. Without a clean diet, six pack abs will never be yours. No matter how many crunches and situps, abdominal fat will hide these muscles. All of the abdominal muscles contract simultaneously. "Spot Reducing" cannot isolate any one of the muscles in particular. A burn is not your goal, Do exercises that decrease your balance, that is what best calls your muscles into action. The only time you don't want to decrease stability, is when lifting heavy weights. Only use the stability ball with light weights or your body weight..

  • Introducting VP2: The Eighth Wonder of the World By Kent Fischer. Scientific studies uncover the most potent protein substrate for accelerated lean muscle growth and fat loss. The most effective protein supplement bar none A subject gained over 11 pounds of lean muscle in 10 short weeks.These benefits are usually seen after an intense exercise regime, but research shows benefits without any exercise training involved! Micronized Creatine HSC is scientifically formulated and research proved to build lean muscle at a rate of more than 480% greater than those not taking it

  • Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps By Vince DelMonte Are you sick and tired of everyone telling you a different way to build muscle? Are you unhappy with how you look in the mirror? This article, explains the need to train the muscles every 72 hours. You can perform 2 upper body workouts and 2 lower body workouts, each week. Eat 5-7 meals a day, emphasizing carbs 45%, protein 35%, and fat 20%. 1/2 solid food 1/2 protein drinks. Stretching should be done for the same amount of time as weight lifting, or at least 1/2 the time. Avoid supplements, except for a vitamin/mineral tablet, fish oil capsule, and protein powder.

  • By Vince DelMonte Choosing the best type of workout program that will stimulate the muscle fiber type that will get you the results you’re looking for is extremely important. Type A Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers provide the most forceful contractions and fatigue the fastest. They will not be able to utilize oxygen well. Not suited to endurance activities. The major type of fuel that type A fibers rely on is creatine phosphate. Type B fast-twitch muscle fibers are used in activities that are short in duration, but not at an all out pace. Type B use oxygen to a great extent and have a higher resistance to fatigue. Slow to contract. Not intended for high degree of power. Large number of capillaries enable sufficient oxygen to get to the muscles. Rely more on fats as fuel as opposed to carbohydrates or creatine phosphate. The article discusses how to train the different muscle fibers...

  • Maximize Bodybuilding Gains: Take Supplements At The Optimum Time by Kent Fischer covers the three rules for developing Hurculean Strength. Rule #1. Your bodies priorities are not your priorities i.e. losing fat/building strength. Rule #2 Natural production and function of the body's anabolic hormone must be controlled and optimized at specific tmes for maximum muscle gain (anabolism) and fat utilization. Rule #3. Create synergy with nutrient timing and exercise. Step 1. Take 2-3 grams of GABA 30 minutes before your workout (weightlifting or cardio). Step 2. Prime muscle anabolism: The Bracketing Method Step #3 Eat a small protein-carb meal soon after the workout. Step 4. Distinguish Fast and Slow Proteins Step #5 Take advantage of the 3-hour window. SECRET WEAPON!!! USE GL3-GLUTAMINE TO SPIKE GH LEVELS THROUGHOUT THE DAY